What is ZQ Merino Wool?

February 07, 2020

What is ZQ Merino Wool?

Quality and social responsibility are values we hold close to our hearts at McDonald New Zealand. These values permeate everything that we do and guide the creation of our Possum Merino knitwear from beginning to end. With this in mind, we are proud to feature 100% New Zealand ZQ wool in our Heritage Collection garments.

What is ZQ wool?

ZQ Wool is the world’s leading standard of ethical wool- only growers who meet strict standards of animal welfare, environmental sustainability, fibre quality, traceability, and social responsibility are awarded the ZQ certification.

Animal welfare is a forefront concern- you can be sure that ZQ wool is sourced from sheep who lead healthy lives- sheep who are humanely treated, well fed, and regularly monitored to keep them free from disease. ZQ growers ensure that sheep are free to graze and roam in vast open pastures where they are free to display natural behavioural patterns.

ZQ farms create environmental plans to manage the impact growing wool has on the land and local ecosystems, and promote safe and healthy workplaces, fair wages, and the overall holistic health of local communities. While many other growers do not know where their wool ends up, ZQ growers are connected to the brands that purchase their wool, a relationship that works in reverse- customers buying ZQ wool products have the ability to trace the origins of their wool back to the grower, giving you confidence in the integrity of the fibre.

Why ZQ wool?

Healthy happy sheep produce superior wool- ZQ Merino wool possesses all the positive attributes of Merino wool, with benefits from ZQ standards that you can see and feel. These standards demand the best from growers, which results in a stronger, longer yarn with a finer feel and a stronger, more resilient fibre. By purchasing ZQ wool, you can be secure in the fact that you are supporting an ethical, high-quality product.

Where is McDonald Heritage Collection ZQ wool sourced?

Our Heritage Collection is sourced from 100% New Zealand Merino wool from select local growers. Additionally, Tyntesfield, our family farm located in the beautiful Waihopai Valley on New Zealand’s South Island, is a ZQ certified grower- a connection we are proud to celebrate with this collection. Fine ZQ Merino is combined with possum fur and crafted into high quality handmade garments in our purpose-built studio in Auckland.